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Using Vramework with NextJS Pages API

Using NextJS Pages with Vramework is more straightforward than the App Router, as it keeps API and SSR aspects separate.

Key Aspects

1. Setting up Vramework

Similar to other deployments, create a VrameworkNextJS adapter. Initialize it once and reuse it for the server's lifetime, as NextJS tends to handle things globally.

import '@todos/functions/generated/schemas'
import { VrameworkNextJS } from '@vramework/deploy-next'
import { config } from '@todos/functions/src/config'
import { getRoutes } from '@todos/functions/generated/routes'
import { createSingletonServices, createSessionServices } from '@todos/functions/src/services'
import { APIRoutes } from '@todos/functions/src/vramework-types'

let _vramework: VrameworkNextJS<APIRoutes> | undefined

export const vramework = () => {
if (_vramework) {
return _vramework
const routes = getRoutes()
_vramework = new VrameworkNextJS<APIRoutes>(
createSingletonServices as any,
return _vramework

2. API Functions

When handling API requests for NextJS, call apiRequest directly. The data is contained within the request itself, so it doesn't need to be referenced separately.

import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
import { vramework } from '../../../vramework'

export default async function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse
) {
const method = req.method?.toLowerCase()
let route = method == 'post' ? '/todo' : '/todo/:todoId'
await vramework().apiRequest(req, res, {
method: method as any,

3. SSR Loading

For server-side rendering, load the data within the getServerSideProps method, which expects the data to be passed in directly.

import { vramework } from '../../vramework'
import { GetServerSideProps } from 'next'

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ({ req, res }) => {
const todos: Todos = await vramework().ssrRequest(
method: 'get',
route: '/todos',

return {
props: {

This setup allows for efficient integration of Vramework with NextJS Pages, maintaining a clear separation between API and SSR functionalities.